
The highest idea of cure is the speedy, gentle, and enduring restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way. Samuel Hahnemann, MD, founder of homeopathy

What is Homeopathy?

Photo-Services-HomeopathyHomeopathy is a system of medicine that treats illness with the use of minute amounts of substances from plants, animals, and minerals. It was developed over 200 years ago by German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, and it is completely safe with no drug interactions.

Homeopathy not only helps to heal on a physiological level, but it also consistently improves well being on a mental and emotional level. These medicines can often remove blocks of which patients are not consciously aware, clearing the way for long term improvement.

What is the difference between a Naturopath and a Homeopath?

Homeopaths use only the Homeopathic method, whereas Naturopaths train in several forms of diagnosis and treatment, one of which is homeopathy. Training in homeopathy varies from a several hundred hour correspondence course to a three year course in which students are not required to have prior university training. Naturopathic doctors must complete a minimum of three years of university training prior to beginning their four year didactic and clinical medical school training in Naturopathic Medicine.

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  • What a pleasure it has been to find Dr. Liz and to work with her on several health issues the past few months. Remarkable that she works out of an office only blocks from my house but it has taken me this long to find her! Nonetheless, I’m glad I did.  (She also works out of a space in Queen Anne).

    Dr. Liz is a naturopathic physician trained at Bastyr and offers acupuncture, craniosacral massage, homeopathy and other modalities. I have found her to have a bright, gentle and healing energy that, combined with her intelligence and training, makes her a valuable asset for anyone interested in pursuing relief from a multitude of health issues as well as those interested in maintaining and achieving optimal health and vitality.

    -James M. Seattle, WA

    “Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside.”
    ~Albert Schweitzer