Spring has sprung and the trees, flowers, and grasses are popping and pollenating. It’s a beautiful sight, but it can also mean coughing, sneezing, watering eyes, congestion, fatigue, and generally feeling miserable for those with seasonal allergies. I like to...
This is the beginning of my FAQ post series! The series will be interspersed with other topics and will probably pop up whenever I’m asked a question often enough it inspires me to write about it! This first post tackles the question: “Can you treat urinary tract...
When most people think about the benefits of an acupuncture treatment, they think about pain relief. Acupuncture is an amazing pain relieving tool, but it is just one component of Chinese medicine, which is a comprehensive healthcare system. Acupuncture, herbs, qi...
Last week I mentioned that the duration of an illness depends on two things: 1) virulence or strength of a pathogen 2) the state of your immune system and health I covered #1 last week, and this week we’ll talk about #2. There seems to be an idea out there that...
Is it really a bad thing to get sick? I say whole heartedly, unequivocally, no! It is not a bad thing to get sick! I realize right about now you think I’m a little crazy, so allow me to explain all the wonderful things acute illness does for your body! 1) I want to...
The flu has begun making its rounds again, and it’s a more intense mutation of the virus than we’ve seen in a few years. People are staying under the weather for weeks with coughs and sinus issues, and the recovery process is slow. With a more severe pathogen afoot,...